
Sage UBS

Pendulum Solutions is a Singapore-based company, which develops business software to serve the Singapore market.

Sage UBS Accounting

It is essential to get the financials right, Sage UBS Accounting, Billing and Inventory help customer to process customer and supplier payments faster, manage your sales orders, purchase orders, good receive notes and delivery notes seamlessly within the software. This provides a continuous availability of fresh and quality accountants for SMEs to expand their business. 

General LedgerMaintain Stock ValueRecuring TransactionUnrealise Gain & Loss
DebtorsProject / BudgetBank ReconciliationMulti-Currency
CreditorsManual Backup & Restore / Scheduled BackupGain & Loss Exchange RateImport and Export Transaction
Print General LedgerCreditor Aging ReportGST Return FormTrial Balance
Print Creditor LedgerP&L by ProjectPrint Debtor LedgerDebtor Aging Report
Profit & LossAudit TrialBalance SheetConsolidated P&L Account
E-Statement (SOA)Fash Flow Statement
Suitable for Companies and Businesses
Accounting FirmsRestaurantsWholesalerTraining Institutions
Construction CompaniesTrading CompaniesSmall Scale ManufacturingRetail
Easier and more efficiently with the following features
Wizard Setup to enable users a quick start in the set-up processesTask flow displayed fir easy reference and direct access to the required screenDebtor Receipt & Creditor Payment screens to give user an overview of all bank balances for better cash management and the flexibility to perform offset process simultaneouslyAdditional Dashboard Reports to provide easy access to critical information for better collection, fund management and business decision making
Payment Services which serve to improve efficiency and security of your transactionsSMS to provide flexibility on retrieving information directly from the system and sending it across to customers or suppliers with a personal message attached

Sage UBS Inventory and Billing

Stay on top of your stock levels, provides all the information you need to make smarter business decisions, fast. Sage UBS Inventory & Billing makes stock control easier by putting the control back into your hands. It provides you with the flexibility to handle all types of inventory transactions and have instant updates and inventory status at your fingertips. Sage UBS Inventory & Billing performs as an invoicing system where you can print invoices and delivery orders.

Stock Valuation
Fixed CostFirst in; First out (FIFO)Monthly AverageMoving Average
Inventory Management Feature
Inventory AdjustmentInventory TransferItem AssemblyHandling of Negative Stock
Inventory IssueInventory Count
E-invoiceItem Stock ValueProject Stock MovementProfit Margin
Purchase by SupplierOutstanding Tracking by SOOutstanding Tracking by QOStock Cards
Location Stock CardBatch CodeSale by CustomerOutstanding Tracking by DO
Outstanding Tracking by POOutstanding Tracking by PO Details
Inventory Attributes
Stock ItemBill Of Materials (BOM)Bar CodeNon-stock Item
Batch ItemAssembly Item
Purchase Processes
Purchase OrderSupplier Invoice (via Receive)Purchase Debit Note / Credit Note (via Purchase Journal)Goods Received Notes (via Receive)
Purchase Return
Sales Processes
Delivery OrderQuotationSales Return (via Credit Note)Consignment Order
Sales InvoiceSales OrderCash SalesProforma Invoice

Sage Payroll

Empowering start-up and small businesses with complete control over their payroll. Increase productivity. Reduce costs. Streamline processes.

Quick Entry
View the total summary for each payroll entry before payroll processingManage allowances, deductions and overtime in a single screen
Supported bank formats for your convenience
OCBC Bank for SalaryDBS Bank for Salary
12 months Figure Update
View and approve changes made by usersIncreasing accountability and traceability on unauthorised changes
Error and problem detection
Government Reports
CPF online fileRAS submission / IR8A submission
Wizard for Setup & Employee
Setup Wizard is made available during the initial setupWith a step-by-step guide to set up necessary data in the system
Report Insights
Understanding and managing your company's resource costingsMade easy through summary reports of employee payslips
Director Fees
Calculated as fixed or variable income via the Personnel File Maintenance setting
Interation with Sage UBS
Integration with Sage UBS to manage your payroll in the most efficient way in your business
Government Reports
CPF online fileIRAS submission / IRBA submission
Track employee Leave and Claims
Use Sage HR Leave to track leaves balanceUse Sage HR Claims to track allowance claims
User can print hard copy of payslipE-payslip in PDF format for employee monthly pay-slip

Manage your sales and purchase orders seamlessly

Let's create something great together!

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